Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy
Ketamine has a remarkably broad-reaching effect on mental health. It both works physiologically and psychologically as a disruptor to habitual thoughts and emotions. Mounting clinical research is showing that ketamine is safe and effective in the treatment of both bipolar and unipolar depression, anxiety, PTSD, OCD, and eating disorders.
I bring my wealth of experience in psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy and integration, along with the experience of providing over 750 ketamine-assisted psychotherapy sessions in the last 4 years.

About KAP with me
Ketamine-assisted psychotherapy can support access to deeper parts of yourself in a way that is more supported and less guarded. During KAP sessions, I offer a warm and gentle presence while you explore non-ordinary states of consciousness. This approach invites you to go to the more tender parts of yourself and catalyze a deeper process of healing coming from an authentic place of compassion. We allow the process to unfold over time, trusting your inner healing intelligence to move you towards a sense of wholeness and harmony.
Treatment path
In these in-depth sessions with a psychiatrist and myself, we work to understand your needs and goals so we can collaboratively create a treatment plan customized specifically for you. This is where we determine if KAP is appropriate for you.
I will support you with tools and guidance as we clarify your goals in preparation for your first KAP session. We will take time to address any concerns coming up and move at the speed of trust. The goal is to have you feeling resourced and ready to explore.
This series of 2+hr KAP sessions, consists of Ketamine-assisted talk therapy using mindfulness, somatic therapy, and Internal Family Systems (IFS). Ketamine supports a slowing down of the therapeutic process that allows for deeper exploration and emotional processing.
Bringing it all together… we oscillate between being curious and open to the process that is unfolding, while, at the same time, creating a practice of remembering what’s important and empowering you in your life.
Interested approaching your self exploration from a different perspective?

Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) is a potent intervention, as such, I recommend that:
You have an established therapist you are working with to provide support throughout and after the KAP series
You have an good foundation of therapeutic and self reflective work and practices
You have time and space in your life to give to this deep dive into your core
Please review the FAQs below to see if KAP is a good fit for you at this time.
The current research supports the off-label use of ketamine to alleviate symptoms associated with unipolar and bipolar depression, PTSD, eating disorders, anxiety, and OCD. I’ll be happy to answer your questions regarding your eligibility and expectations during your intake.
Here are a few excerpts from Ketamine: Dreams and Realities by Karl Jansen (2001):
"It was a wonderful awakening to information. As if all the normal subentities that block your mind had been cast aside and I was able to discover the hidden meanings behind every door that was normally closed…. also remembered events as a child; things I would never normally remember. I never felt as if I was not myself - my memory and intelligence seemed dramatically enhanced. There was no feeling of depression or anything else of the sort afterwards, only a feeling of calmness and inner peace..." - Anonymous recreational ketamine user
“K can split you into several personalities-different selves in one room-without anything to unifyall the subroutines into a single whole. You realize that the real miracle is that there is EVER a unifying self... Just how does the brain pull it all together into one ego? .. I talked to my selves as a group. I would say: 'O.K. guys, how do we feel about this? But K can let you reintegrate as well, into someone who is more coherent and together than before. You have to know when the therapy is complete and it's time to leave." - Anonymous recreational ketamine user
“[Ketamine resulted in] 'beyond words' experiences, deep thoughts of family, in touch with Godanother dimension of 'reality. …. I think that experimenting with K has changed my whole outlook on life, death(?), and God.... At times during the trip, I reflected on my entire life, remarkably lucid visions of my birth, and the love for my family, the disappointing periods of my pas.... I am happy to finally know that there is a God." - Anonymous recreational ketamine user
“It started with a slight giddiness and a noise like the chirping of crickets. The cricket chorus rapidly swelled to a smooth purring roar. The sensation was reminiscent of the times I had inhaled nitrous oxide at the dentist's office. But that had been like standing at a door. This time I was going in. It also felt like going home...This inner realm, full of sound, color and sensation was itself entirely formless. Here there could be no distinctions between subject and object, this and that, I and thou." - Marcia Moore (Journeys into the Bright World, 1978)
Treatment is broken into two phases, the introductory series and maintenance. While protocols can vary depending on the needs of the individual, the introductory series consists of doing 1 KAP session a week for 6 to 8 weeks along with weekly talk therapy integration sessions. Maintenance is as needed but typically looks like one KAP session every 1-6 months. And very occasionally, clients find they do not need to return again after the initial series.
The treatment plan is collaborative and can be customized based on your needs.
The research literature has indicated that ketamine has a cumulative effect with lasting impact if done 1-2 times per week for several weeks consecutively (usually 6 - 8 weeks). After such time, the effects can last several months or longer.
Typical KAP treatment plan cost estimate (treatment plans are flexible and there are no commitments):
$200 50-min psychotherapy intake
$250 60-min medical consultation with Journey Clinical prescriber (out of network/superbill options)
$230 ketamine prescription for 8 sessions
$600 for 3 50-min talk therapy preparation sessions
$3,900 for 6 weekly 2-hour KAP sessions ($600/session)
$1,200 for 6 weekly 50-min integration sessions (within 1-3 days of each KAP session)
Ongoing maintenance estimate:
$150 for 30-min follow up with Journey Clinical prescriber every 90 days
$600 KAP every 1-6 months as needed
$200 50-min integration psychotherapy sessions as needed
According to the No Surprises Act, You have the right to receive a Good Faith Estimate for the total expected cost of any non-emergency healthcare services. Learn more here.
The psycholytic approach to medicine-assisted therapy uses low-medium doses to “loosen the psyche” while client and therapist stay in conversation. This commonly results in the client being able to process, unpack, and gain insight into challenges with more ease.
A psychedelic dose usually aims for greater disconnection from everyday consciousness and moves into transcendental realms. At these levels, conversation is usually not possible and music and eyeshades are used to facilitate the experience.
Typically, I use a psycholytic approach to ketamine therapy however, we can discuss options for different ways of working.
Ketamine has a high safety margin at anesthetic doses used in surgery and battlefield medicine, and the margin is even higher with the significantly lower doses used to for mental health treatment. Some contraindicated conditions with ketamine include recent myocardial infarction (heart attack), cerebrovascular accident (stroke), recent psychosis (hallucinations, delusions), or recent bladder inflammation (cystitis). During your intake with the prescriber, you will discuss if ketamine is safe for you.
I use Journey Clinical to connect my clients with a prescriber at lower rates than can be found in the Los Angeles area. https://www.journeyclinical.com/
I use ketamine lozenges taken sublingually, which can safely be administered in the comfort of your own home. I offer referrals if other treatment protocols are needed.
I take the safety of my clients very seriously. You and I will implement several safety procedures, including:
- Having a safety person of your choice on the premises, whose number I have for emergency purposes.
- I will be monitoring you via video during the entirety of your sessions.
We will discuss mitigating any other concerns you might have prior to your first KAP session.
Ketamine was developed in 1963 as an anesthesia and was approved by the FDA in 1970. It is one of the WHO’s top medicines for use in human and veterinary medicine, including uniquely sensitive recipients like children, pregnant mothers, and yes, horses.
Ketamine does not have the typical profile of an addictive drug that causes chemical dependencies. That being said, some people can be drawn to abuse ketamine in unregulated settings typically due to unsupported psychological struggles. These conditions are highly unlikely under the supervision of trained mental health providers. Let’s make time to discuss this if you are concerned about it.
Since the winter of 2019, I have provided over 750 KAP sessions. I have been a trainer of other therapists to provide KAP through the Psychedelic Coalition for Health and Inbodied Life Training, as well as run a KAP consultation group for therapists new to KAP. I have years of psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy experience and training through the research where I have been a co-investigator.
When I started providing KAP in 2019, there were next to no training programs operating at that time. For 2 years, I worked under the supervision and guidance of Dr. Cole Marta at the California Center for Psychedelic Therapy before needed to work elsewhere to finish the final hours toward my licensure. Currently, I have facilitated over 750 ketamine-assisted psychotherapy sessions.
I have been a trainer at several KAP trainings through the Psychedelic Coalition for Health and Inbodied Life Training.
I have curated an extensive collection KAP playlists so grab some headphones, get cosy, and enjoy!

Ketamine is a powerful catalyst for change.
Let’s see if its right for you.