
Psychedelic Harm Reduction
Sitting Safe: Navigating the Evolution of Neo-Shamanism
Ashley collaborated with leaders of the psychedelic community to offer this harm reduction guide for individuals interested in working with underground facilitators or traveling internationally for psychedelic experiences.
Series topics include:
Part 1: Recommendations to would-be participants
Questions to ask yourself
Questions to consider asking a practitioner
Questions a practitioner should ask you
Drug Checking
Drug checking is a way for consumers to test the presence and absence of substances in any pill or powered they plan to consume.
I have a passion for creating space with music and have created countless playlists.
Grab some headphones, get cozy, and enjoy…
Learn more about Internal Family Systems (IFS)
We All Have Parts : An Illustrated Guide to Healing Trauma with IFS
My #1 recommendation to start your IFS journey. A wonderful introduction to learning about how trauma impacts our brains and bodies and an intuitive introduction to IFS. (paperback and Kindle)
IFS Comics
Graphic novelist and artist Mardou shares her mental health journey with IFS. She is very relatable and reading her work is a great way to feel like you have fellow travelers on the path.
Introduction to IFS by the founder
This is a great introduction to Internal Family Systems (IFS) that Ashley recommends to all her clients. It provides an intuitive and practical way to understand our internal conflicts in a non-pathologizing way. (paperback and audio book)
Many Minds, One Self
This is an in-depth exploration of the evidence for the existence of both parts and a deeper self across various disciplines from neuroscience to psychology to religion. (paperback and PDF)
Book Recommendations
Trauma, Illness, and Healing
Maté brings his perspective to the great untangling of common myths about what makes us sick, connects the dots between the maladies of individuals and the declining soundness of society—and offers a compassionate guide for health and healing.
Expanding Consciousness
A fascinating book into the depth of the psychedelic experience! A professor of religious studies meticulously documents his insights from 73 high-dose LSD sessions conducted over the course of 20 years.
Improving Communication
This short audiobook is a paradgim-shifting introduction into Non-Violent Communication.
Contemporary Mystic Poetry
Chelan Harkin’s ecstatic poetry, in the style of Hafiz, is a daily reminder to connect with the wonderment of the human experience.